What's Next?

Intereseted in visiting us for the first time and want to know what to look for and expect?  Already here and looking for something specific?  You’ve found the right place.  Take a look at the topics below to find your answer.

Looking to connect with us?  Fill out our Connection Card and a member of the staff will will get in touch with you!

Visit Us

If you are thinking about visiting with us make sure you stop by our Welcome Center to pick up a gift for visiting with us. There are also Connection Cards in the backs of each pew to fill out to let us more about you for you to drop in the offering plate.

While you’re with us, make sure to meet with one of our pastors: Pastor Fred, Pastor Gail or Pastor David. Also make sure to talk with our Children’s Director Laura Waldron. They look forward to meeting you and answering any questions you might have.

Join a Group or Get Involved

Looking for a way to get involved with groups and ministries at Mt. Olive?  Explore our Ministry pages to see all of our groups and outreach.  Then, sign up to join us.

Membership + Baptism

Are you wanting more information about being baptized or transferring membership? Please see Pastor Fred or Pastor David for more information. We will line up baptism and/or membership classes for you.

Brethren practice “Believer’s Baptism” which is the practice that to have a true confession of faith one must be of age to recognize their need for Christ. As infants are not able to come to this recognition, infant baptism is not recognized by the Brethren.  In place of Infant Baptism the Brehtren practice Dedication of infants.


Parents of newborns who wish to have them dedicated to the Lord may contact Pastor Fred about such a service.  It is typically held during worship services and the parents, newborn and other family members are invited to the front of the sanctuary.  Parents pledge their efforts to raise the child in the ways of the Lord and receive the same pledge from the congregation.


Brethren belive in the practice of anointing as described in James 5:13-17.  During an anointing service, an elder of the church (Pastors Fred or David) with assistance of our deacons anoint a person suffering from an illness.  The service consists of an anointing with oil followed by the offering of prayers.  This service can be performed at the church, the hospital or your home.

Prayer Chain

We maintain a prayer chain so that our members can be in prayer for those in our congregation and those connected to them.  If you would like to add a request our chain please send us a message.


We always have opertunities to volunteer with the ministries here at Mt. Olive.  All volunteers must first complete a Volunteer Screening form which can be found here.  This form can be turned into the person coordinating the event you would like to volunteer for to start the process.