Adult Ministries
From 18 to beyond! We have group life opportunities for you. You can join in with Women’s and Men’s groups individually or Growth Groups as a couple. Our seniors group is for those young at heart over 65. We encourage you to find a group to help you journey life with.

Women's Outeach
WOMEN’s Outreach holds two yearly Bible studies, fellowship lunches on the first and third Wednesdays of each month and other activities such as fireplace, game and movie nights.

Men's Fellowship
Men’s Fellowship comprises of our fellowship lunches on Tuesdays and Bible Studies throughout the year. All men are welcome to join us.

Growth Groups
“How is it with your soul?” is what group life is about! We pray for one another, help one another, study with one another and grow with one another.

Super Seniors
Our Super Seniors are for all above 60 years young! We enjoy meals together with the church staff for entertainment where we play games and laugh till our sides hurt. We take day trips together as well throughout the year.