Growth Groups

Why Growth Groups? Spiritual Growth doesn’t take place in a vacuum. Proverbs 27:17 says “as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another”. We need one another to encourage, examine and hold one another accountable for our spiritual growth. “How is it with your soul?” is what group life is about! We pray for one another, help one another, study with one another and grow with one another.

Three study terms are held throughout the year including a Winter (Jan-Mar), Spring (April-June), and Fall (Sept-Nov) term.  Breaks are held through the summer and the month of December.  Each term is a 10-week study with groups incorporating social meetings and service projects within the year.

Miller Growth Group

Leaders: Fred & Pam Miller
Hosts: Kip & Lisa Jenkins
When: Sundays @ 6:30 PM
Studying: Rick Warren’s “A Purpose Driven Life”