Men's Fellowship

Men's Bible Studies

Our Men’s Fellowship holds Bible Study groups in the fall (September) and winter (January). We meet twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesday evenings in the Fellowship Hall.


Men's Lunch

We hold weekly men’s lunches at Noon on Tuesdays. Our monthly schedule includes two weeks in Harrisonburg and one in Waynesboro and one in Elkton. When there is a fifth Sunday, that location is announced.
Check our church calendar for locations.

Trips & Events

Each year we look for men’s conferences such as Ignite and Promise Keepers that help us grow as Godly men who love God, love our families and love others.

Bible Studies

Our Men’s Fellowship holds Bible Study groups in the fall (September) and winter (January). We meet twice a month on the first and third Tuesday evenings in the Fellowship Hall.

Men’s Lunch

Men’s Lunch is held each Tuesday at noon. Locations rotate between Harrisonburg, Elkton and Waynesboro. Check our calendar for locations.

Trips & Events

Each year we look for a men’s conference to build us up as Godly men who love the Lord, care for our families and serve in ways that glorify God.

Connect with Us

Jim Kadel

Jim Kadel

Fred Miller

Fred Miller

Lead Pastor

Dave Miller

Dave Miller

Associate Pastor, Youth Ministries

Want more information about our ministry?  Use the form to send us a message and we will get back to you!  We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you join us!

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