Ladies Outreach

Ladies Outreach Ministry

Our Winter Bible Study features Priscillia Shirer’s “Elijah – Faith & Fire”.  You can chose from our 9:30 am or 6:45 pm study groups!

If you are new, you may click the registration button below so that we may make contact with you and get you started!

Welcome to Mt. Olive Brethren W.O.M.E.N.! Our ministry name is an acronym standing for “Women’s Outreach: Ministry, Encouragement, Nurture”. What we desire most is to provide avenues through which women can meet to grow in their knowledge of and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and with one another. This ministry is open to adult women of all ages, and it is our privilege and honor to invite you to join us as we seek more of Him in our lives! We pray that you will find something here to meet your needs, and we hope to see you soon! With much love in Him!

Bible Studies

We hold two sessions of Bible Study each year. Our fall study begins in September and runs through the first of December and our Winter Study runs January through early April.

We hold two groups on Wednesdays. A 9:30 am group and a 6:45 pm group.

For a preview of our current study, click “Go” below.



Conference 2025

Join us in 2025 for Brethren Conference in Roanoke Virginia! For more information, click, “More Info” below. 



Ladies Lunch

Join us the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 11:30am for Ladies’ Lunch!
April 2nd – Sakura
April 16th – Olive Garden



Monthly Fellowship Events

Throughout the year, we hold Game Nights, Movie Nights, Bonfires, Kayaking Trips, Paint Nights and more! Keep posted of our events on Facebook and our website!

For the next event, click our Facebook Page link below!

We also hold a ladies lunch twice a month and in the summer hold Summer Suppers.


Our Leaders

Tammy Wilson

Tammy Wilson

Donna Mueller

Donna Mueller

Linda Riddle

Linda Riddle

Want more information about our ministry?  Use the form to send us a message and we will get back to you!  We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you join us!

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