Local Outreach

We are always looking for way to impact our local community.  From our own ministries such as Agents of Mercy and Backpack Buddies to partner ministries like Friendship House and Our Community Place we strive to fill the unmet needs of our community.  Some of our ministries and partners are listed below.

Agents of Mercy

Agents of Mercy is our in-house food pantry. We supply boxes of basic pantry needs to help a family get through at least one week of groceries. Non-perishable items are available to anyone who needs food. We do not take any information or have requirements for anyone to receive a box of food.
Boxes are available in the old kitchen (old part of the building) and anyone is allowed to take a food to someone or take one for themselves.
We appreciate any and all donations to our food pantry during the year. Donations may be left at the donation center behind the welcome table and items needed are listed in the bulletin.

Backpack Buddy Program

We partner with Riverbend Elementary in Elkton and Montevideo Middle School to provide backpack buddy bags each week. The bags contain food for students who need extra help through the weekend when school breakfasts and lunches are not available. We include non-perishable food items that are easy for the students themselves to open and warm if necessary.
The 2019-2020 school year is one where we provided 36 bags each week to the school. We thank all those who donate items for our bags. The items to donate include: Vienna Sausages, poptarts, pudding, breakfast bars, tuna/chicken, individual bags of chips, small spaghettios, applesauce, etc.

Friendship House

Friendship House is a outreach ministry of Blessed Sacrament Church that feeds the hungry (including homeless community) of downtown Harrisonburg. They open their doors every Thursday to those who need a hot meal.
They also open their doors for other churches to partner with them that have a heart for the hungry but not a good location to help. Mt. Olive partners with them one week in February, May and October and try to pick up a week in the summer. Our volunteers cook and serve a hot meal for the bodies and provide smiles, prayers and conversation for the souls.

AVA Care

We support AVA Care’s commitment to life and each January we participate in the Baby Bottle Campaign which begins on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.

AVA Care of Harrisonburg is a medical nonprofit serving women facing unintended pregnancy since 1984. We provide STI testing, pregnancy testing, and confirmation through ultrasound – at no cost to you.

We are here to:

Advocate for You (We care about you and are on your side).
Validate your Concerns (We know you may feel panicked. We are here to help).
Answer your Questions (We have trained professionals who can answer your questions).

Weekday Religious Education

We support WRE through a yearly giving in our budget and many of our church members serve as teachers and board members.

“Welcome to Bible class!” These words have echoed throughout Rockingham County since 1929. Weekday Religious Education (WRE) has deep roots in Rockingham as we were one of the three original counties to offer Bible classes in the state of Virginia. At that time, classes were held in the public school buildings and WRE employed the Bible teacher.

Today there are 21 regional WRE councils in the state of Virginia. Once a week throughout the school day, Bible classes are held during Release Time from public school and meet on nearby private property for approximately 30 minutes. In Rockingham County, WRE classes meet in various facilities. WRE maintains 11 one-room class buildings, a stationary bus which is outfitted as a classroom and we meet in three local churches.

We support WRE through a yearly giving in our budget and many of our church members serve as teachers and board members.

Our Community Place

Our Community Place is located in Harrisonburg’s Northeast Neighborhood serving those in need for 10 years. We serve over 17,000 hot meals a year to homeless and marginalized persons, and provide laundry and shower services, storage lockers, case management services, volunteer and job training opportunities, empowerment and learning opportunities, help finding employment and housing, referrals for dental and health services, transportation, assistance completing Medicaid applications and renewals, and much more. We host the mobile Suitcase Clinic for medical appointments and access to medications, partner with Harlingen dental studio to provide mental health and substance use services, place people into housing with Mercy House, and provide a listening ear through volunteer counselors. We also host learning opportunities for local university nursing, psychology, public health policy, social work, and other students

East Gate Ministries

East Gate Ministries was founded in 2002. Our free-of-charge program serves young women, 18 to 30, who are seeking healing, hope and restoration where rape, abuse, abortion, unplanned pregnancy and other sexual traumas have broken lives.
Our WOMEN’s Outreach group participates by offering activities and support to the Eastgate Ministry each year and we promote their two annual banquets where they receive most of their funding.

Open Doors

Open Doors is the local homeless shelter for anyone over 18 who is experiencing a lack of housing. The shelter rotates through local churches that are able to provide a place to sleep, eat and shower. A hot supper is provided each evening. The shelter is open November through April with desire to be open year round.
We help with monetary donations and supply donations throughout the year as needs arise.

Hope Distributed

We partner with Hope Distributed which is an outreach program of the Harrisonburg Church of the Nazarene. Through their food bank, we are able to purchase food for our Agents of Mercy and Backpack Programs for cents on the dollar.
Many of our church members volunteer at this worthy outreach to our community through Service Saturday. On the first Saturday of each month beginning at 12 noon we gather to pack boxes for their mobile food pantry as well as other projects at the food pantry. Hope distributes food, clothing and assistance to those in the community needing an extra hand.

Want to get more information about outreach opportunities at Mt. Olive?  Get in touch with us and we will help you in any way we can.

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