Our Youth Group is available for all youth in middle and high school.  To keep up with special events, please visit the Roots Youth Facebook Page and Instagram Account!

Roots Youth

Youth meets Wednesday evenings 6:15-8:15 pm in the youth room. 

Join us Sunday morning at 10am for treehouse!

Below are links for our Instagram account to keep posted of regular meetings and our special events.


As we journey through life, let us remember the wisdom of Colossians 2:6-7: ‘So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.’

At our core, we believe in growing deep in love with God and wide in God’s love for one another. Our mission is to extend this love outward, engaging in God’s restoration mission for the world.  Becoming disciples of Jesus Christ is a transformative journey—a continual process of growth and maturation. Each day, experience, and choice draw us closer to the heart of God. It starts with a deliberate decision, an intentional choice to leave behind our old ways in pursuit of a destination.

In our youth ministry, we aim to accompany young individuals as they embark on their own journey of faith. Our time together isn’t just a means to an end but a starting point—an opportunity for youth to encounter the transformative power of God’s love and begin their journey of discipleship.

Our goal is to help them understand and embrace what it truly means to be ‘rooted’ and ‘established’ in their faith. Through teaching, mentorship, and community, we strive to equip youth with the tools and knowledge they need to navigate their spiritual journey with confidence and authenticity.

Youth Meetings – Wednesdays at 6:15 pm in Youth Room

To keep up to date with youth events, you can Text Roots to  5403049925.  This will sign you up for text messages about events and important ANNOUNCEMENTS.

Brethren Academy

Brethren Academy is a unique learning experience for high school student leaders to explore Brethren & personal IDENTITY, individual CALLING, & their personal WITNESS to the world.

This annual summer conference affords students an opportunity to engage with pastors, professors, ministry leaders, business professionals, and broaden their community with fellow Brethren students from across North America. Brethren Academy is intended for high school students who have completed their Sophomore year of high school, through their graduation year of high school.

While the learning arch of Brethren Academy is built on a 3-year cycle, each year’s focus stands on it’s own allowing students to connect to Brethren Academy at any stage in the 3-year arch.

Brethren Academy was founded with the support of Lilly Endowment Inc. to help young students better understand how faith and theology shape their everyday lives. It is open to high school students looking to deepen their understanding of the Brethren and their own spiritual leadership.

Engage Confrence

Join Brethren youth and leaders from across North America in Roanoke, Virginia. Experience four days of worship, teaching, laughter, friends, fun, games, and God’s presence at Engage Conference. Talk to your youth leader for more information. We look forward to seeing you this summer!

Check out Roots Youth on the following platforms…

…or get in touch with us.

12 + 8 =

Our Staff:

Chyann Mackey

Chyann Mackey

Youth Ministries Director